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Pyramids & their effects on plants
to the pyramid bed
Attend our Workshops where we show you how to utilise pyramids and their effects for yourself. We have created various systems to simplify your efforts and will explain how you can do all that yourself. No secret-mongering, copyright and other obstacles. Lecture about the use of pyramids in farming
PDF Download Agnihotra Copper Pyramid
Gizeh Pyramids at Equinox
Pyramid for seed-treatment
Photograph of a plasterite pyramid made with an Oldfield-filter
There are pyramids in different shapes all around the world but there's one aspect in which they're all the same: Theyre always formed geometrically on a square base with four triangles leaning inwards and meeting at the top. Like that they represent one half of an octahedron.
The most common pyramids more or less look like this: Pyramids have been in use to treat seeds for a long time. Storing seeds in the acute-angled pyramids built by Alexander Golod in Russia and other phenomena have been examined by the Russian Academy of Sciences (RAS), the russian Institute of Theoretical and Experimental Biophysics (ISTC), the Graphite institute of scientific research and the Ukrainian Institute of Physics (KIPT). Therefore their results can be considered substantial and credible.
The presented results are: Due to the stay inside the pyramid the immune system gets strengthened. Quicker tissue regeneration and increased composition of leucocytes in the blood. Seeds stored in the pyramid for 1-5 days showed a harvest-increase of 30-100 %. Russian military radar recorded a column of energy reaching high up in the sky above the 22 m high pyramid at Lake Seliger in Russia. Several months after the pyramid was built the ozonesphere in the russian athmospere above was measurably strengthened. The area around the pyramids show reduced seismic activity. Instead of one big quake there appear to be hundreds of very weak rumbles. Also, the violent weather conditions around the pyramids seem to have decreased. A pyramidal complex was built in an oil field in southern Russia (Bashkiria). The pumped up oil was was 30 % lighter (lower viscosity) and the oil spring-output increased. These results have been confirmed by the Russian State University of Oil and Gas (Gubkin). Newborns were fed baby food which had been placed inside the pyramid and their health index increased dramatically. Experiments with aprx. 5.000 inmates from russian prisons showed that almost all crimes disappeared and their general behaviour increased substantially. This uccured after the inmate's food was flavoured with salt and pepper that had prior been stored in the pyramid. The therapeutic effect of medicine increased while side effects decreased. Increased viability of cellular tissue infected by bacteria and viruses was measured. The pyramids weaken certain bacteria and viruses. Radioactive waste shows a measurable decrease of the radiation level when placed in the pyramids. Spontanous recharge of capasitors (Leyden jar, condensing bottles and energy source?) Changes in the minimum temperature of superconductivity and the properties of semiconductors and carbon materials. Even at -40° C regular water doesn't freeze and it keeps this property for years. Synthetic artificial diamonds are harder and flawless. It is interesting to note that the bigger the pyramid is, the higher the grade of results is. Source: Here we will concentrate on the effects pyramids have on plants and how they can be achieved with minimum resources. Which of course doesn't mean, that other aspects regarding the pyramids have to be disregarded. Experiments and experience from many years of testing clearly showed that the divergence regarding germination, size and health of the plants is considerably bigger when pyramid had been placed above the seeds or the plant even grew inside the pyramid. From my own experience I can confirm that carrot seeds which I had grown in my garden with a copper pyramide above them, after 3 weeks had grown to the same size as organic carrots that had already been growing for 10 weeks. Furthermore, I have never seen strawberrys that wind up the pole of the pyramid like a bean instead of covering the ground. Continue to page 2
Plasterite Pyramid
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